What I do with God’s Word will determine how meaningful my life will be.

Jesus compares the Word of God to seed. What happens to seed? Luke 8:4-21

1. It is eaten by the birds before it ever grows into a plant- I hear the Word of God but do not act on it. It never impacts my life.

2.  It grows into a plant but then withers away -I hear and act on the Word of God until difficuOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAlties come. When difficulties come, I let my relationship with God dry up and wither away. Because I fail to continue in the Word, I never become firmly rooted and grounded in His love for me.

3.  It grows into a plant but is choked to death by thorns – I hear and act on the Word of God but then other things become more important.  I am consumed with worries, riches and pleasures.  I am no longer consumed with the Word of God.

4. It grows and produces a crop that is 100 times as great as the original seed – I hear and act on the Word of God.  With an honest and open heart, I accept the truth of God’s Word.  I hold it fast even when difficulties come.  I am not drawn away by the worries, riches and pleasures of this world.  I abide in the Word of God.

What is abiding?  I like to define abiding this way: Realizing my dependence on God, I choose to stay connected to Him by spending time in His Word, letting Him work in me and through me to accomplish His purpose.

Bearing fruit is not a result of my efforts.  It is a result of abiding in the living Word of God.

Let the Word of Christ richly dwell within you.  Colossians 3:16