
_MG_71472copyHello.  I’m so glad you stopped by.  My name is Dale Marie Rockwell.  I am a daughter of God who enjoys His amazing grace every day.  I am sharing my journey with you in hopes that it will be an encouragement to you on your journey.

I am an ordinary woman who happens to be a pastor’s wife, a mom, a Mimi, a retired CPA, and a pianist.  I have a burning passion to help other women enjoy and develop their own personal relationship with Jesus. Why?  Because He is the only One who can truly satisfy our hearts’ deepest longings.

Is your marriage in trouble? Are your kids breaking your heart?  Are you under financial stress? Is someone you love struggling?  Are you experiencing the sting of rejection?  Are you feeling alone?

Let me share Jesus with you – not as an expert, but as a woman who is doing life with Jesus.  I love sharing my life experiences, my joys, my heartaches and God’s amazing love through all of it.   He is enough for all of life.

If you are looking for someone to lead a Bible study or to share at a special event, I would love to hear from you.  And if you enjoy piano music, we can do that, too.  My email is dalerockwellcpa@gmail.com.



4 thoughts on “About”

  1. Christine said:

    Love it! 🙂


  2. I found you through Andrew’s blog. I can see why he was encouraged by your site. 🙂 I’m glad I clicked through. It was worth it!


  3. Thanks, Jennifer. So glad to hear from you.


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